Testimony: Spending Time in the Word


Our current study through the book of Deuteronomy has reminded many of us that we won’t take care to obey the Lord’s Word just by trying harder. Rather, our faith-filled obedience is a response to His majesty and mercy. And the Word serves to significantly reveal them to us. Below, as part of our current testimony series, KingsWay member Bob Shanks shares how he spends time in the Word and how God is using it fruitfully in his heart and life.

spending time in the word

I’ve been asked to share about how the Lord is using my time in the Word in fruitful ways. 

First, you should know this… I have always found it hard to be consistent with devotional time in the morning. Well, about the time the pandemic began, I decided to start going to bed earlier, at 10pm instead of midnight. Lo, and behold! I found that I was easily getting up two hours earlier! It was not a struggle to spend those two hours in reading and prayer. It was a delight! Of course, good coffee is always a good companion.

Let me begin by saying that spending time in the Word is not about technique or rules, although certain disciplines are necessary. It’s about cultivating a relationship between persons, one of whom happens to be God. Nor is it about earning favor; it’s about learning to enjoy God because of the access to Him we’ve been freely given by grace (Romans 5:1-2).

I’ve heard several suggestions for methods of Bible study over the past few years. Here are some I have acted on:

Scripture Reading

Most of my scripture reading overall has been in the Psalms and the gospels. 

The Psalms are amazing! By reading them I have come to know God and myself better. For a while I was spending roughly an hour a day in the gospels. I admire Jesus more and more as I do this. I am now going through the gospels for the fourth time. As I read, I go slowly and keep alternate translations and a commentary nearby. 

Scripture Memory

I am hot and cold on this, but when I do, I am greatly blessed. I have an app on my phone that is very helpful. I have trouble being consistent, but using an app called BibleMemory has been helpful. I can see the scripture on the screen that I want to memorize. Starting with some of the words missing, I fill in the blanks and the app will tell me the percentage I got right. As I progress, more words are left out until I can remember the entire section with no help. 

Prayer and Meditation

If you take a shower one drop at a time, you will not get very clean. You want water to flood over you. It is the same with your involvement with the Word and prayer. If you are used to taking a few minutes every day, instead, take an extended time. Take a half a day or more, whatever you can arrange. Immerse yourself in the Word until it really gets under your skin and in your consciousness. Here is what I have done:

Psalm 23 and the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13)

I have prayed through both of these, personalizing as I go. Slowly and meditatively talking to God about my life, using the words and images of each scripture. My aim is to live my life from inside either or both of these passages. To do this, at times I have taken about 20 minutes, two or three times a day for a number of days. In the past year I have had several periods of doing this. This is just “praying the scripture” in solitude and silence. For example, I will apply the language of the psalm in my conversation with the Lord.  Each phrase is rich with meaning and best read slowly and meditatively. Hold each word in your mind until you connect with the reality behind each word. Doing this brings up all kinds of things from deep in my heart that I then lay before the Lord. 

For example: 

The Lord is my shepherd.  The Lord is my shepherd.

The Lord is my shepherd. The Lord is my shepherd.

The Lord is my shepherd. Etc.

Reading that passage I might pray, “Lord, shepherd me today in this situation I am facing, I need the green pastures and still waters. I need my soul to be restored.”

“Lord, You are my leader and provider, let it be that I would hear your voice today.”  Etc.

I don’t want to just say prayers. I want a praying life.

Personal Change

Probably the greatest benefit of these disciplines/habits has been to increase my awareness of God’s presence. The result has been that I more easily and routinely walk in grace.

“And, whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus.” (Colossians 3:17)

“In all your ways acknowledge Him.” (Proverbs 3:6)

My desire has been that I would, in every circumstance, practice the presence of God. These verses, and others like them, are in the scriptures because it is possible to see them become a reality and not just pretty words.

Anyway, that’s my story. I hope it is helpful to you. 

Written by KingsWay member Bob Shanks

KingsWay Communications