Bolivia Missions Teams Update


last week

The Lord safely delivered our missions teams to the small town of Caranavi, Bolivia last week. It was no small feat. Their arrival included a 6-hour bus ride on what the team calls “Death Road”. After their challenging journey, our brothers and sisters at the Casa de Esperanza orphanage received them with joy.

Donations from our churches provided for the purchase of 80 beds for the orphanage. What a gift of loving care to these precious children and their faithful caregivers!

The week was packed full of kids’ ministry, worship in Spanish, and attending to the children’s medical needs.

Our teams’ pastors were able to give the message at church on the Sunday they were there. What a joy to share sound doctrine and to worship together!

The team purchased tile and cement for a needed project, and some team members unexpectedly became tile engineers! Evening team meetings ended the long days recounting God’s goodness and faithfulness.

This Week

Our team is spending this week with our sister church, Iglesia Gracia Soberana, in nearby Santa Cruz. They are reaching out to the surrounding community to proclaim the gospel. They will also conduct a marriage seminar and serve at the Fundación Nuevo Corazón shelter for young girls. 

Continue Praying

Ask the Lord for boldness and wisdom for the team as they continue to serve and proclaim Christ. Pray for Him to open eyes to faith in Him through the gospel truth they share. Pray for physical strength and dependence on Him. 

“Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16