Sunday Review: 5/15/2022


On Sunday, May 15, 2022, Mickey Connolly preached the message “Earnestly Desire Spiritual Gifts” from 1 Corinthians 14:1. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this Sunday’s message.


  1. Mickey Connolly said our understanding of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts should be “theologically clear and practically engaged”. Is your understanding of the Holy Spirit based on biblical teaching or on personal experience?

  2. What spiritual gifts are there beyond those mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12? How can you earnestly pursue a deeper understanding of the gifts of the Spirit? Do you allow God to define your role?

  3. Where do you see the work of the Holy Spirit around you? If you struggle to answer that, examine your awareness. Are you seeking to see Him at work or in your everyday life at home? How can you join in with what He’s doing?

  4. A weakness of classical charismatic church is overemphasis on the spectacular. How can we guard against expecting everyday mountain-top experiences, instead rightly prioritizing hearing the steady voice of God speaking through His Word?

  5. God can manifest the spiritual gifts He’s given us through our desire to serve. In what areas are you allowing God to reveal the spiritual gifts He has given you in order to serve His people?