Sunday Review: 9/17/2023


On Sunday, September 17, 2023, Caleb Collins preached the message “Life in the Details” from Deuteronomy 19:1-21:9. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. What situation(s) in your life feel like they are “armies larger than your own”, causing you to be fearful or to grow faint of heart?

  2. According to Deut. 20:4, why can we trust the Lord in these hard, challenging times in our lives?

  3. Can you name examples from your life where you have seen the Lord “fighting for you” to accomplish what you could not accomplish on your own?

  4. How was both God’s justice and his mercy on full display when Jesus died on the cross?  If God’s justice was satisfied on the cross, why do we have to live obedient lives to God and His word?

  5. How should the gospel inform how we treat others?  

  6. Are you aware of areas in your life where you do not treat people as image bearers of God?  How should we respond when God graciously reveals such areas of sin to us?