Sunday Review: 9/24/2023


On Sunday, September 24, 2023, Matthew Williams preached the message “Conformed to His Character” from Deuteronomy 21:10-22:12. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. Do you think of God’s law as revealing his character? What indications of God’s character in Deut. 21:10-22:12 comfort, convict, or challenge you?

  2. What opportunities do you have in your life to defend the weak and vulnerable? Where are you tempted to bend the rules of justice to favor your friends and injure your enemies? 

  3. Do you experience shame on a regular basis? How does the person and work of Christ empower us to respond? 

  4. Is it easy or hard for you to ignore the afflicted? How is the Lord calling you to pay attention and act with sacrificial compassion?

  5. Where do you need to focus on fleeing worldliness and pursuing purity for Jesus’ sake?